Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harrisburg Holiday Parade

District 14-T Lions ROARED along the streets of Harrisburg as we participated in the Holiday Parade on November 20. Thanks to PDG Sam and Lion for suppling the means of transportation and seats (trailer with straw bales). Thanks to Lion John for organizing the event. We were small in numbers, but great in enthusiasm and spirit. It provided us an opportunity to get the word out about Lions, our mission as well as the fun we have together. Check out the parade Thanksgiving Day on WHTM-27 beginning at 10:00AM. WAHOO


On Wednesday, November 17, Lion Jim and Lioness Becky Neidigh, Lion James and myself took a day road trip to the New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center located in West Trenton, New Jersey. We arrived at Jim and Becky's home around 9:00AM. Jim was ready to empty his basement out of glasses. We filled the van full of boxed glasses; typed in our destination in the GPS and we were off. The majority of the way was on the PA and NJ Turnpike. We did have one detour, due to heavy wind damage at the local airport. A few small planes had overturned and there were metals pieces and insulation from roofs everywhere at the exit we were to get off. So taking the scenic route, we found the Katzenbach School for the Deaf with no problem. The Eyeglass Center is located on the school grounds in a large warehouse building. 1stVP Lion Al welcomed us, and along with a few other volunteers quickly unloaded our treasures. They were appreciative of the glasses as they were in need of "raw material" to work with in the coming days. Lion Al gave us the grand tour through the facility. Best to describe it is "Organized Chaos". Glasses to be sorted at one end, glasses to be washed, elsewhere, glasses to be categorized, glasses categorized, and finally glasses to be shipped out. The Center utilizes students from the school to help with some steps. They also take glasses to three prisons, for inmates to work on. This provides opportunity for many to gice back through community service. The Center is a state project of MD 16 New Jersey. Glasses are shipped primarily to Central America. They are in need of sunglasses because of the amount of sun in these countries. They also accept plain lens. They are matched up and placed in donated frames that companies no longer want. This was a great experience for all of us in learning the steps after glasses are collected. Thanks to Lion Jim for making the suggestion to me. It also provides Lions to continue to stay in control of the glasses. Each box shipped out is proudly stamped with the LIONS Logo. So continue to gather those glasses and perhaps, in the spring, another road trip, will be organized.

November 14, 2010 Cabinet Meeting

Thanks to ALL who attended and participated in the 2nd Cabinet Meeting held November 14, 2010 at the Holiday Inn in Grantville. Those unable to attend, this is what you missed:
*Thank you to our Lion and Lioness veterans. PDG Dave Colestock, along with help from PCC Dr Terry Musselman, led us in singing of God Bless America, She's A Grand Old Flag, and America, The Beautiful.

*Recognition of Diabetes Awareness Day. Blue ribbons were distributed to recognize November as Diabetes Awareness Month with November 14 being World Diabetes Awareness Day.

*8 X 10 photo of the security guard and robber, from the State Council Meeting

*Judging of the Peace Poster Contest. Congrats to Eleni Parke, Linglestown Middle School, this year's District winner. She was sponsored by the Lower paxton lins and lIoness clubs. Thanks to ALL CLUBS who sponsor this youth activity.

*Certified Guiding Lion Certificates were presented to the Lions who participated in the training on October 9, 2010.

*IPDG Dalton Paul and PDG Frank Wedig were presented with Distinguished Service Awards for 2009-10 from the PA Lions Sight Conservation and REsearch Foundation.

*PDG Jim Zeger led us in a practice run of "THE WAVE" which we will be demonstrating at the District Rally April 9, 2011, at the Comfort Suites in Carlisle.

*Zone Chair Lion Lee Eisenhard, Waynesboro Lions Club, was nominated for 2nd VDG for 2011-12

*1stVDG Dave McCluskey, New Bloomfield Lions Club, was nominated for District Governor 2011-12

*Lion Jim Neidigh, South Hanover Lions Club, was nominated to serve on the District Convention Committee as Region II Representative


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lurgan Township Lions Club Meeting

I visited with the Lurgan Twp Lions Club members on November 8. They have a beautiful community park and building in Roxbury. This is a Club of 75 strong, but they continue to seek new members. They understand the importance of bringing in new ideas, perspectives, helping hands to provide better and more service to their community. I was privileged to see a father and son inducted into the Club that evening. This is a Club that understands innovation and how it can improve service to the community. Several years ago, they added a fitness trail to their park. It's a great place for individuals to come, get some exercise, and enoy the beautiful surroundings. A few years ago, they came up with a "Haunted Trail" for Halloween. Members and nonmembers alike get into the spirit of Halloween by providing safe fun to kids as they walk the Haunted Trail, looking out for ghosts and goblins. What a fun, innovative idea!! I also was serenaded with a "Happy Birthday" song from the members as that is my birthday. It seems a certain Partner In Service made a phone call to the President that morning, informing him of the event. They were true gentlemen and didn't ask how many birthdays I've had.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The New Bloomfield Lions Club Community Theatre is celebrating 40 years this year. "On Golden Pond" was presented over the weekend in celebration. Martha Holman and Norman Harrison, who played the two main characters have been with the theatre group since its inception. Lion James, along with two of our friends Abby and Ann, who are theater folks as well, and myself, enjoyed the show immensely. It was funny, heartwarming, made you think about life and death, friendship and what's important in life. Several members of our Lion family were also there to enjoy and support the group. Hats off to the New Bloomfield Lions who created and continue to support this great "fun"draiser and community service project in their area. The next performance, in the spring, is Philadelphia Story. Hope to se you there.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


THANKS to all who attended, participated, helped, planned, donated baskets, etc to the October 29-31 State Council Meeting. We were perfect hosts with plenty of treats and few tricks the Halloween Weekend. Friday Night's Hospitality was a Monster Mash with Count Dracula, Phantom of the Opera, witches, Frankenstein, Wilma and Fred, to name a few, in attendance. The band "Just Friends" were fantastic. Sonny and Cher provided entertainment during their break. Saturday was filled with Committee Meetings and informative sessions. At the State Council Meeting, Saturday afternoon, I presented to Lion Marcia, State Administrator, an 18 x 24 framed collage representing our District. It included a photo of the statue of James Buchanan, located in Mercersburg (Franklin County); state capitol building, Harrisburg (Dauphin County); Shoaff's Mill, located in Little Buffalo State Park (Perry County); and covered bridge (Juniata County). In the middle was the front cover of our KidSight Vision and Hearing Brochure, our signature project. It will be displayed at the State Office in Harrisburg. District 14-T is well represented at the State Level with many of our Past District Governors providing leadership by serving on State Committees. Lion James won a basket. He took the $50 and I got the picture frame. The Banquet Saturday evening was well attended with Leo Matt, (District E) now Lion Matt, receiving the Leo of the Year Award. ID Jim Cavallaro provided words to consider about increasing membership and service in our communities. I presented him with the Captain Chelsey "Sully" Sullenberger's book Highest Duty and , for the bewitching weekend, Haunted Places in PA. Lion Michelle, his wife, received a glass pumpkin jar filled with Hershey candies. To quote her "a bag of Hersheys kisses opened is a bag emptied". All in all, the weekend went well with few mishaps. I received many thanks from various Lions and the fun they had over the weekend. I pass their words of praise to you, who made it all happen.

Monday, October 25, 2010


District 14-T is hosting the State Council Meeting this weekend, Oct 29-30 at Harrisburg Hershey Holiday Inn in Grantville. (Interstate 81, exit 80). In keeping with the Halloween Weekend, we will host a Costume Party Friday evening. It begins at 8:00PM-11:00PM. Food, fun, costume judging will be on the agenda. The band Just Friends will provide great entertainment. Come out and enjoy the night. It's FREE. Saturday morning, various state committee meetings wil be held. Come be informed of what's happening with State Projects, upcoming events. Saturday afternoon beginning at 1:30PM wil be the State Council Meeting. I will be having a surprise presentation. Come and be part of the event. Saturday evening is the International Banquet. You must have reservations to attend. Throughout the day, a basket raffle will be held. Try your luck, purchase tickets and be there for thedrawings at 4:00PM. Thanks to all who volunteered to help. Hope to see YOU there.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Once again, the Lions of 14-T Teamed up to help with the annual Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk. It was held on a brisk, Sunday morning, October 17, at Hershey Park. We assisted with registration. It was held under a tent, and we scrambled to find seats to feel the sunshine. Thanks to Lion John Petrina who created a great sign showing our support of the Event and give Lions some PR as well. In one and a half hours, hundreds of walkers were registered. Walkers proudly wore their team Tshirts. Mom were pushing strollers, Dad pulling wagons. This is truly a family event, because diabetes, particulary when it comes to kids having diabetes, the whole family is involved. Penbrook leos were out in full force as walkers, carrying their Club Banner. Leo Advisors Lions Carolyn, Kathy, and Sean kept up with the teens. Thanks to PDG Sarah Clark for organizing the opportunity to serve our community with this great project. Thanks to the Lions who braved the cold and wind to help.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Certified Guiding Lions Program

Thirteen Lions gave part of their Saturday on October 9 to listen, learn, share, laugh, and grow as a Lion by participating in the Certified Guiding Lion Program. Thanks to Lion Rick Waltz, Lion Tim Steeley, PDG Sarah Clark, Zone Chair Elizabeth Moffatt, King Lion Enes Panza, PDG Dr Bill Daniels, King Lion Salli Goodrow, Lion/Lioness Pat Strobel, King Lion Matt Glaspey, PDG Joan Sleesman, Lion Jo Adair, Zone Chair Kathy Fouse, Zone Chair Krista Griffith for dong just that. PCC Dr Terry Musselman, PDG Bill Tuttle, and myself were the facilitators. This Program is geared to prepare Lions to serve as Guiding Lions for newly formed Clubs. The Program also is useful in looking at your own Club to determine strengths, needs, possible new activities. It provides many resources for Clubs to utilize from Lions Clubs International. Thanks to each who came and shared their experiences, questions, and ideas. It was a great success!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mifflintown Lions Club Visit

My first Club visit in October was to the Mifflintown Lions Club. It was a beautiful drive up 11/15 to 322 through the mountains. The trees, just within a week have begun to show their Autumn Colors. The Mifflintown Lions were ready for me with 600 pairs of glasses collected and neatly deposited in my car. This is one of our singing Lions Clubs. We did a rousing rendition of "I've Been Working On the Railroad" and "My Bonnie". This was followed with a song to the waiter to feed us. The Club began a program to recognize 12 members for their commitment to their Club. 12 Lion Hats were purchased last year, and then engraved with the Club's name. Members voted for 3 members to receive a hat. The top 3 will receive a hat. This process will continue through the year until the hats are on the heads of great Lions. This Club also is creative with fundraisers. Since there are so many Chicken BBQs on the weekend, they serve the bird up on Wednesdays. This time around, they are having the 4H Seeing Eye Dog Group have a food stand as well to help promote their cause. It was a wonderful evening of new ideas, laughs, and sharing of information. You don't have to be a District Governor to visit other Clubs. I would encourage you to get out the District Directory, organize a group of Club Members and go visit another Club. You will learn something new, have fun, and probably make a new friend.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Weekend of Lionism

My weekend started early Saturday morning, 5:30AM , to be exact. I traveled to Salus University to attend the Annual PA Lions Eye Research Seminar. My GPS got me there, with a small circle around the building until I figured out it was the one I wanted. I learned many new bits of information. First, prisms are useful for individuals who have double vision problems. Secondly, a mouse's retina is very smilar to a human's retina. Thirdly, 1 out of 6 individuals, 65 and older with develop Age Related Macular Degeneration. Fourth, JDRF is the largest organization funding Eye Research. Fifth, the need for tissue is critical for eye research to continue. Lastly, 1.6 million dollars has been given over the last ten years from our Sight Foundation for research grants. It was an informative session. Thanks to King Lion Marion Shepherd who also attended. Extra thanks to PDG Frank Wedig, our representative on the PA Lions Sight Conservation and Eye Research Foundation, who asisted with organizing this event. I left Elkins Park around 2:00PM after a delicious lunch, for my trek to Marysville Lioness Club Pot Pie dinner. Lion James, earlier in the week, had sold a truck on Ebay, to none other a Lion, from Marysville. It is a small world. So he drove the truck up and met me there. We enjoyed the company and wonderful pot pie made by the ladies. The Lionesses had their brochures and an invitation to join the Club as well as an eyeglass collection box by the door where people came in. Sunday morning, I slept in. Then I reviewed my emails, put the finishing touches on the October Disrict Newsletter and then headed to Hershey for Spaghetti. The Hershey Lions had their Fall Spaghetti Dinner today. It too was tasty with that special sauce. They also advertised collecting nonperishable food for Derry Twp Food Bank. After this weekend, I won't need to eat for a couple of days, or until my next Club visit Monday night. The weather was fantastic, many good conversations, many individuals in our community will be helped by the fundraisers. Thanks Lions and Lionesses for a wonderful weekend.


Zone Chairs Steve De Frank and Mary Jones held a joint Zone Meeting on Monday, September 20 at the Tri County Asociation for the Blind. The event was hosted by Allison Hill Lions Club. The evening was filled with information from the Cabinet Meeting, sharing of Club activities and upcoming events. Lion Danette Blank, Executive Director of the Association shared the many programs available at the Association. A tour followed the meeting. Tri County is now the service provider for Franklin County as well. We were introduced to Louis (Braille) and Helen (Keller), two parakeets who guard the facility. Tri County is available for Clubs to visit and Lion Danette is available to come to Clubs to present a program. I would encourage you to take her up on the offer. See how your Club donations are being used to serve others and provide a better quality of life for individuals with visual impairments.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Region II Zone Meeting

I attended the Region II joint Zone Meeting on Wednesday, September 15 at the Hoss's Restaurant in Hummelstown, along with 40+ Lions, Lioness, and Leos. The Zone Chairs teamed up with Hoss's Comunity Day Fundraiser and raised funds toward a Region II Project at the same time. Lion John Petrina gave pointers on creating a brochure and Lion John Mallonee provided info on eclubhouse, how to create your own Club website. Both are available to help Clubs with these great PR Tools. PDG Frank Wedig shared a video on Brainport, the latest technology to help individuals that are blind have some vision. This project has some funding through the funds received from PA Lions Sight Research and Conservation Foundation. Clubs shared their upcoming activities. It was a great evening of sharing, good conversation, information gained, and good food. Thanks to Zone Chairs Lion Krista and Lion Kathy on a successful first Zone Meeting.

September 12 Cabinet Meeting

We held our first Cabinet Meeting on Sunday, September 12 at Four Points Sheraton in Chambersburg. Great attendance, participation, and fun filled the afternoon. Several action items were approved. Committee Reports were provided. It was a busy summer. Congrats to all who attended the First Leadership Interaction Session led by PDG Jan Adams. Topics were Teambuilding and Motivation. PDG Jim Zeger led us in the wave as we prepare to "Catch The Wave of Lionism" for the District Rally in April. Thanks to the Region Four Clubs who provided baskets for the raffle. PDG Pete Van Zandt provided LCIF Goals for the District. Remember to bring a few extra dollars to the next Cabinet Meeting to enter the raffle for the Framed Winning 2009-10 Peace Poster. See you at the next Cabinet Meeting November 14 at Holiday Inn in Grantville.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today, I accepted the invitation to join in the celebration of West Hanover Twp 225th Anniversary. What a great morning for a parade. Blue skies, no humidity, lots of laughter and fellowship as we waited for the parade to begin. Congrats to West Hanover Lions who helped organize the Parade as well as initiate PR for their Club by being in the Parade. Penbrook Leos, along with their three advisors, Kathy, Carolyn, and Sean, were in attendance as well. I will admit it was a bit hilly and a little long in length, but I made it. I did have a backup plan: Lion Larry Hoffman volunteered to pick me up in his corvette, if I ran out of steam. Consider attending and/or participating in the Penbrook Halloween Parade or Harrisburg Holiday Parade. It's a great way to show your stuff and have fun at the same time. Thanks to King Lion Matt for sharing the experience.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

KidSight Screenings in Franklin County
I had the opportunity to help with the Head Start Vision and Hearing Screenings this week. Tuesday morning I arrived in Waynesboro to assist for a few hours. Four Clubs were represented that day: Chambersburg Evening, Waynesboro, Chambersburg Noon, and Greencastle (along with Buchanan Lioness). Lions Merrilynn and Bruce Kessler provided direction and encouragement. I started with the 3 eye tests (lazy eye, depth perception and color blindness) with King Lion Denise Heck. Mid morning I worked with Lion Bruce completing hearing screenings. I will confess I was a bit nervous. I don't like objects placed in my ears so I can imagine how the kids felt. But after awhile and with the patience of Bruce and the kids, I got the feel for which way to adjust the tips and was able to get the machine to test. Thanks to ALL who participated this week in the various screenings throughout Franklin County.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My first official Club Visit was on Monday, August 16 to the Duncannon Lions Clubs. King Lion Lynn Rothermel was there to greet me. I introduced myself to the members as they arrived. Some faces I recognized from the previous year's visit with IPDG Dalton. We had a delicious meal of turkey and roast beef with all the fixings. I was honored to induct 9 new members into the Club. We even had a visit from their Lion Mascot. Congrats to Duncannon Lions for sharing their story of service with others.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Penn National Lions Club Charter Night

Last evening I attended the Penn National Lions Club Charter Night held at the Waynesboro Country Club. They are currently at 92 charter members. Yes, you read that correctly!! It was a wonderful evening of fellowship, fun (the tailtwister made out quite well) and support given to our newest Club in 14-T. They received a banner, stand, filial, gavel, gong, cup with Lions Toast engraved on it, money for Administration Fund, a brick at Beacon Lodge. PIP Clem Kusiak and his wife, Jeanne, journeyed from Baltimore area to join in the festivities. Thanks to all who made the evening a special night for all of us. And to the person who took the new gong, King Lion Dick will be seeking you out for a Club visit from the Penn National Lions.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Every 3 years, Greencastle celebrates OLD HOME WEEK. It began in 1902 and this is the 37th year clebration. The Lions, Lionesses, and Leos are actively involved with the festivities. Leos helped to get the town ready for visitors by helping with the organized Cleanup of the town. The Lionesses sponsor a Flower Show and Fun Dog Show. The Lions coordinate the parade. Congrats to PCC Dr Terry Musselman, who created a one dimensional window display for Greencastle Lions, which won an Honorable Mention in the display contest.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New - District Governor's Blog

This blog has been re-purposed to serve as a blog for our District Governor of 14-T.  Watch this blog for news from the District Governor and have the chance to respond.  The first blog post will be coming soon, so be sure to check back.  We also plan to post the latest blog post on the District 14-T website for easy access and reference.